Kennetic Productions is built on the idea that great video marketing combines the inspired heart of filmmaking with the structure of client-centric project management. For us, the experience of our clients is as significant as the quality of our production.
We are master communicators who answer our phones and respond to every email. Our clients are always aware of where we are in the process and never waiting on us.
Things change, and so do we. We go into every production prepared for the plot twist and ready to pivot with plans B, C, D, and sometimes even E.
Amplifying the story, message, and identity of our clients means working with and not just for them. We invite and involve our clients throughout the production process- and we like it that way.
Yes, production is about highly skilled professionals using very impressive technology to produce high-quality video. For us, it’s also about fostering a creative culture of respect, integrity, and inclusivity for our team and our clients. We love what we do and we want our clients to feel that.